
Studies of crossing

The set of field work carried out to determine the feasibility of crossing interference in a certain location. For example: Feasibility study for pipelines crossing a river.

This work is basically composed by three steps: Probing the auger, geotechnical surveys and ground penetrating radar (sub-bottom profile).

Surveys of the auger

Soil Investigations in a given area of interest with the objective to seek the perfect understanding of the geotechnical characteristics of the underground. Surveys of the auger allow describing the size, color, origin and plasticity of the investigated material.

Geotechnical surveys

Soil investigations are carried out in the margins and the center of the most important waterways in a given area of interest. Are performed with equipment of percussion instruments that can reach tens of meters, recording the drill depth at every beat. The penetration tests "SPT" are performed in order to determine the physical strength of the material. This activity aims to understand the geological and geotechnical characteristics of the terrain as well as the local stratigraphy and assisting for example to determine the most stable conditions for new occupations.

Sub-bottom profile

GPR ("Ground Penetrating Radar" or Ground Penetrating Radar) is a survey carried out by sub-surface geophysical methods and uses electromagnetic waves emitted in the basement through a transmitting antenna. Some waves are reflected to the soil according to different compositions of the horizonts producing the profile of the different various layers of the subsoil. The GPR profiles allow us to identify different soil horizons, possible blocks, boulders or rocky tops in the subsurface.